process substitution

All posts tagged process substitution by Linux Bash
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    A: Process substitution is a feature of the Bash shell that allows a process's input or output to be redirected to a file-like construct, typically formatted as <(command)> or >(command). It lets you treat the output of a process as if it were a filename. This can be extremely useful in cases where a command expects a file as an argument rather than standard input or output. Q: How does capturing stderr work typically in Bash scripting? A: In Bash scripting, standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr) are two separate streams of data. By default, they both print to the terminal, but they can be redirected separately.
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    Linux Bash scripting is a powerful tool for managing and manipulating data. One of the features Bash offers is the ability to use loops and subshells to handle complex tasks. However, subshells can slow down your scripts significantly, especially when used inside loops. This article addresses how to avoid unnecessary subshells by using process substitution, enhancing your script’s efficiency. Q1: What is a subshell in Bash? A subshell is a child shell launched by a parent shell script. Commands executed in a subshell are isolated from the parent shell; changes to variables and the environment do not affect the parent shell.